The move is complete, nerves are frayed, and muscles weary. I have no more excuses for not updating the old Blogarooni. As a quick tour of downtown Blogsville will show, intellectual vacuity is no excuse nor is the lack of anything worth saying. If you can connect to the Internet, you can be published, and you don't even have to be able to draw the pirate or the donkey.
But enough of my foul mood. On to the allegedly good stuff.
Now that we are ensconced in our new digs, I'm slowly turning my attention to the radio show. When I saw the above notice among the theatre listings in this week's New Yorker, I was overcome by a kind of mesmerism. I had to get my proposal together to send to XM as soon as possible.
I've got the name and address of the program director for comedy. I'm hoping to have a package together to send by Friday. I have a business plan, script samples, and a demo CD. And I think that, for once in my life, my timing's right.
Forward into the abyss.
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